Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's been a while since I've written. Not because there wasn't anything to write about. I wish I were that lucky to only have the story of TEN to write about. Truth is I have a few more that could easily provide quality entertainment. Truth is I'm in love. I'm in 100% old fashioned, head over heals in love with someone. But I can't talk about it, I can't let anyone know about it because it's....well....complicated. It's someone I have no business loving. Someone I have no right to want to be with. Someone that if it got out, lives would be ruined, hearts would be broken, the world as I know it would change forever. I'm not suppose to love this person. I'm not suppose to think about them, want them, wish that everyday I could just be with them. It started as a friendship, it started as somone I could talk to about anything and they just got it. It started as well....a joke. We talked, we talked everyday. We talked about anything and everything. We supported each other in life, love, or lack of, work problems, life problems, family problems. There wasn't anything off limit. It was friendship of the truest form. Then one day it just changed. I woke up and realized that I loved this person more than anything or anyone. I was complete, I was happy and all because this person was in my life and knew everything about me. good and bad. and still wanted to be with me. But we can't. We can't be together because of a number of things.